Amplified Rage (Teamwork)When adjacent to other raging allies, your rages become even more powerful.
Prerequisite: Half-orc or orc, rage class feature.
Benefit: Whenever you are raging and adjacent to a raging ally who also has this feat or flanking the same opponent as a raging ally with this feat, your morale bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by +4. This feat does not stack with itself (you only gain this bonus from one qualifying ally, regardless of how many are adjacent to you).
Blood Vengeance
Seeing an ally fall in combat fills you with berserk fury.
Benefit: Whenever one of your worthy allies is brought to negative hit points or killed, you may enter a state similar to but less powerful than a barbarian’s rage as a free action on your turn. If you have the rage class feature and are already raging, your morale bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by +2 for the duration of your rage. If you do not have the rage class feature, or you have no more rage rounds left, this weaker rage gives you all the benefits and penalties of a rage, except your morale bonus to Strength and Constitution is only +2, and this state lasts for 4 rounds. As with a barbarian’s rage, when this weaker rage ends, you are fatigued; if another ally falls before this duration ends, the weaker rage lasts for 4 more rounds after that. This feat does not allow you to enter a rage if you are fatigued. You may only use this feat if the fallen ally had at least as many Hit Dice as you.
Brutal Grappler (Combat, Teamwork)
When helping your ally grapple, you can do damage to the target.
Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc.
Benefit: When you and an ally with this feat have grappled the same creature, you may attempt to damage the opponent on your turn (whether you were the one who first initiated the grapple or were assisting your ally in doing so). You and the ally are treated as aiding each other in the grapple (+2 bonus on your grapple combat maneuver) as long as you both decide to maintain the grapple.
Normal: When multiple creatures grapple one target, the creature that first initiates the grapple is the only one that makes a check to damage a grappled opponent, with a +2 bonus for each creature that assists the grapple using the Aid Another action.
Benefit: When you and an ally with this feat have grappled the same creature, you may attempt to damage the opponent on your turn (whether you were the one who first initiated the grapple or were assisting your ally in doing so). You and the ally are treated as aiding each other in the grapple (+2 bonus on your grapple combat maneuver) as long as you both decide to maintain the grapple.
Normal: When multiple creatures grapple one target, the creature that first initiates the grapple is the only one that makes a check to damage a grappled opponent, with a +2 bonus for each creature that assists the grapple using the Aid Another action.
Craft Totem [Item Creation]
You can create permanent totems.
Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd.
Benefit: You can create a permanent wooden totem of any totem spell you know. Crafting a totem takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. When you create a totem, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own caster level. The base price of a totem is (its spell level x its caster level x 75 gp). To craft a totem, you must spend 1/25 of this base price
in experience points and use up raw materials costing 1/2 of this base price.
When you craft a totem, you make any choices that you would normally make when casting the spell. Any totem that stores a spell with a costly material component or an experience point cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must also expend the material component or pay the experience points when creating the totem.
A totem is a small wooden object, usually painted with fearsome shamanic or voodoo designs. The magic in the totem is inert until someone plants it in the ground (a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity). At that point, the totem’s magic activates, just as if you had cast the spell. The magical effect stops when the spell’s duration expires. The totem can be used only once.
Double Totem [Totemic]
You can combine two totems into one.
Prerequisite: At least 3 other totemic feats, ability to cast at least one totem spell.
Benefit: You can cast two totem spells into a single totem. The result is a single totem that provides
the abilities and effects of both spells. The resulting totem has the physical statistics of the higher-level totem, with no additional hit points, hardness, or other abilities.
Creating the double totem takes as much time as casting the spell with the longest casting time. You use two spell slots (one per spell imbued in the totem). If the double casting is interrupted, you lose both slots. If the double totem is destroyed, both effects end. This feat cannot be combined with Totemic Protection (see below).
Enduring Totems [Totemic]
Your totems last longer.
Prerequisite: Extend Spell, ability to cast at least one totem spell.
Benefit: Totems you create last double the listed duration.
Evasive Totems [Totemic]
Your totems can twist, jump and dodge in place.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast at least one totem spell.
Benefit: Totems you create have a +2 dodge bonus to AC and are permitted to make Reflex saving throws at your base Reflex bonus. Furthermore, if the totem succeeds at a Reflex save against a spell or spell-like effect that permits such a save, it takes no damage, as if it possesses the evasion ability. Normal: Totems have a base AC of 7. As immobile objects, they cannot make Reflex saves.
Special: This feat can be selected multiple times. Each time, the dodge bonus to totem AC increases
by +2, and the totem receives a +2 bonus on Reflex saves.
If you take this feat twice, totems you create have improved evasion, which means that they take no
damage from an attack that allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage if they make their Reflex saves, and only half damage if they fail.
Ferocious Tendency (Combat)
You spit in the face of death.
Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, ferocity racial trait, rage class feature.
Benefit: When raging, if you are hit by an attack that would deal enough hit points of damage to kill you (negative hit points equal to your Constitution score), as an immediate action you may expend 1 or more rounds of rage to negate some of this damage and keep yourself alive. Each round of rage you spend reduces the attack’s damage by your raging Constitution bonus, but cannot reduce the damage taken below 1 hit point.
For example, if you are raging, have a raging Constitution score of 18, are currently at 2 hit points, and are hit for 20 hit points of damage (which is enough to bring you to –18 hit points, killing you), you may spend 1 round of rage to reduce the damage by 4 (leaving you perilously close to death at –14 hit points); if you spend 5 rounds of rage, you reduce the damage to 1 (the minimum), leaving you with 1 hit point.
Benefit: When raging, if you are hit by an attack that would deal enough hit points of damage to kill you (negative hit points equal to your Constitution score), as an immediate action you may expend 1 or more rounds of rage to negate some of this damage and keep yourself alive. Each round of rage you spend reduces the attack’s damage by your raging Constitution bonus, but cannot reduce the damage taken below 1 hit point.
For example, if you are raging, have a raging Constitution score of 18, are currently at 2 hit points, and are hit for 20 hit points of damage (which is enough to bring you to –18 hit points, killing you), you may spend 1 round of rage to reduce the damage by 4 (leaving you perilously close to death at –14 hit points); if you spend 5 rounds of rage, you reduce the damage to 1 (the minimum), leaving you with 1 hit point.
Fetish Spell [Metamagic]
You can use totems to increase the power of your spells.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast three totem spells.
Benefit: A fetish spell becomes a totem spell (as described in More Magic & Mayhem). You plant the totem in the ground and the effect radiates from the totem. You can use this feat only with a spell that has a duration longer than 1 round and that has a radius area, such as detect scrying, silence,
vampiric aura or war drums. Your totem feats affect the fetish spell just as they do other totems.
A fetish spell uses up a spell slot the same level as the spell’s actual level.
Follower of the Ancestors [General]
You have pursued advanced training in the shamanistic traditions of your people and can tap into the spiritual strength of your ancestors.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 15, Follower of the Totem, Vision Quest (see below), orc, human, Jungle elf, Wildstone dwarf, or character level 8+.
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may gain a +4 sacred bonus to any one ability. This bonus lasts for 1d6 rounds, +1 round per your Spirit modifier (minimum 1 round). You may still activate your Follower of the Totem feat once per day, although the
bonuses do not stack.
Gore Fiend (Combat)
Horrible wounds on your enemies or yourself makes your blood sing.
Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, rage class feature.
Benefit: When you are raging and you confirm a critical hit with a melee weapon or suffer a critical hit yourself (whether by a melee weapon, spell, or ranged weapon), you regain 1 round of rage.
Benefit: When you are raging and you confirm a critical hit with a melee weapon or suffer a critical hit yourself (whether by a melee weapon, spell, or ranged weapon), you regain 1 round of rage.
Penetrating Totems [Totemic]
Your totems are exceptionally effective at overcoming an opponent’s defenses.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast at least one totem spell.
Benefit: The save DC to resist the effects of your totems is +1 point higher. Furthermore, when you attempt to penetrate an opponent’s spell resistance with one of your totems, you receive a +2 bonus. These benefits stack with similar bonuses, such as the Spell Penetration feat.
Shamanistic Inspiration [General]
Your connection to the spirits allows you to have an inkling of what the future holds.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 15, Follower of the Totem, human, jungle elf, Wildstone dwarf, or character level 8+.
Benefit: You can use augury as a spell-like ability once per day.
Skittering Totems [Totemic]
Your totems have the ability to move.
Prerequisite: Totem Throwing (see below), ability to cast at least one totem spell.
Benefit: Your totems can move 10 feet per round. They act on your turn, before you do. You command the totem which direction to move if you can see it, otherwise it does not move.
Normal: Totems cannot move.
Snake Dancer [General]
You know the ritualized snake dance of your tribe.
Prerequisites: Perform (dance) 5 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks, Shadowclan or Desert Vipers.
Benefit: Your skill at the fast, flexible, sinuous moves of the snake dance grants you speed and sure footing in combat. You gain a +1 bonus on Tumble checks. You can try to tumble past or through enemies at full speed by accepting a –5 penalty on your Tumble check.
Normal: Accelerated tumbling imposes a –10 penalty on the Tumble check.
Solid Totems [Totemic]
Your totems are exceptionally resistant to damage.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast at least one totem spell.
Benefit: Totems you create have 1 additional point of hardness for every two caster levels and double their normal hit points. Thus, for example, a totem created by a 13th-level shaman would have hardness 11 and 52 hit points.
Normal: Totems normally have hardness 5 and 2 hit points per caster level.
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Through meditation and expert training, you have learned to speak with the Earth.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 17, either Speaker of the Seed or Speaker of the Sky (see below), and either Speaker of the Fang of Speaker of the Hoof (see below).
Benefit: Once per day as a free action, you may channel
the spirit of the Earth. You gain a +8 sacred bonus on
Strength checks and Strength-based ability checks; a +4 stability bonus to resist bull rush, overrun and trip attempts; and you gain damage reduction 5/adamantine. This transformation lasts for 1d4 rounds, +1 round per point of Spirit modifier (minimum 1 round). This is a supernatural ability.
Speaker of the Fang [General]
Through meditation and training, you have learned to speak with the spirits of predatory animals.
Prerequisite: Wisdom 11.
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you may channel the spirit of a predator and gain a +4 sacred
bonus on grapple checks. This bonus lasts for 1d6 rounds, +1 round per point of Spirit modifier (minimum 1 round). This is a supernatural ability.
Speaker of the Hoof [General]
Through meditation and training, you have learned to speak with the spirits of grazing animals.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 11.
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you may channel the spirit of a grazing animal and gain a +10-
foot enhancement bonus to all of your movement modes. This bonus lasts for 1d6 rounds, +1 round per
point of Spirit modifier (minimum 1 round). This is a supernatural ability.
Speaker of the Seed [General]
Through meditation and advanced training, you have learned to speak with the spirits of plants.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, either Speaker of the Fang or Speaker of the Hoof (see above).
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you may channel the spirit of a tree and gain some of a plant’s
resistances. When an enemy scores a critical hit or backstab on you, you have a 50% chance of negating the critical hit or backstab damage; the enemy rolls normal damage instead. You must be aware of the attack to use this ability. This resistance lasts for 1d4 rounds, +1 round per point of Spirit modifier (minimum 1 round). This is a supernatural ability.
Speaker of the Sky [General]
Through meditation and advanced training, you have learned to speak with the spirits of natural objects, such as rocks, water and the sky.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, either Speaker of the Fang or Speaker of the Hoof (see above).
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you may channel the spirit of natural objects and gain
resistance to the elements. You gain resistance 10 against acid, cold, electricity or fire. You select the
type of energy resistance upon activating this ability.
The resistance lasts for 1d4 rounds, +1 round per your Spirit modifier (minimum 1 round). This is a
supernatural ability.
Sympathetic Rage (combat)
Seeing an ally enter a rage causes you to enter a rage-like state.
Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, non-lawful.
Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who is raging, you may choose to enter a similar but less powerful rage as a free action on your turn. This weaker rage gives you all the benefits and penalties of a rage, except your morale bonus to Strength and Constitution is only +2. There is no limit to how long you can rage, as long as you remain adjacent to a raging ally (for example, you could take a 5-foot step away from one raging ally toward another raging ally and maintain your rage). As with a barbarian’s rage, when this weaker rage ends, you are fatigued.
Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who is raging, you may choose to enter a similar but less powerful rage as a free action on your turn. This weaker rage gives you all the benefits and penalties of a rage, except your morale bonus to Strength and Constitution is only +2. There is no limit to how long you can rage, as long as you remain adjacent to a raging ally (for example, you could take a 5-foot step away from one raging ally toward another raging ally and maintain your rage). As with a barbarian’s rage, when this weaker rage ends, you are fatigued.
Totem Expansion [Totemic]
You are adept at creating larger and more effective totems.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast at least one totem spell. Benefit: Totems you create increase their range by +10 feet.
Totem Throwing [Totemic]
You can create totems a short distance away from yourself.
Prerequisite: At least one other totemic feat, ability to cast at least one totem spell.
Benefit: When you cast a totem spell, you can throw the totem a short distance away. To do this, you target a specific grid intersection as though throwing a splash weapon (see World of Warcraft RPG, Chapter 12: Combat, “Throw Splash Weapon”). If the attack misses, the attack deviates like other splash weapons,
but not more than 1 square. Thrown totems have a range increment of 5 feet.
Normal: Totems may only be created at a grid intersection at one of the corners of your square.
Totemic Protection [Totemic]
You can protect your totems with a defensive spell applied at the time of casting.
Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd, at least one totemic feat and at least one metamagic feat, ability to cast at least one totem spell.
Benefit: When you cast a totem spell, you can simultaneously cast an abjuration or illusion spell on
the totem. The defensive spell must be of a level equal to or less than the totem spell. Casting the spell takes as much time as casting the spell with the longest casting time. The defensive spell must function on objects, such as invisibility. When cast in this way, the defensive spell affects only the totem, even if it would normally affect multiple items or creatures, or an area.
You use two spell slots (one per spell imbued in the totem). If the double casting is interrupted, you lose both slots.
Vision Quest [General]
You embarked on a vision quest and came to terms with your inner nature. You possess a core of strength now, a quiet understanding of your spirit and its place in the spirit world.
Prerequisite: You must have successfully completed a vision quest ( to be described later).
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Concentration checks and a +1 sacred bonus on saves against
enchantment spells.
OGL Section 15:
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000. Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Character Clip Art & Color Customizing Studio Copyright 2002, Elmore Productions, Inc.; Authors Larry Elmore and Ken Whitman, Art and illustrations by Larry Elmore.
Character Portraits: Fantasy Heroes copyright 2003, Mongoose Publishing
World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: More Magic & Mayhem Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: Lands of Mystery Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: Monster Guide Copyright 2007, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: Alliance Player’s Guide Copyright 2006, Blizzard Entertainment
World of Warcraft: Horde Player’s Guide Copyright 2006, Blizzard Entertainment
Pathfinder Companion: Orcs of Golarion. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Steve
Kenson, Rob McCreary, Richard Pett, Sean K Reynolds, and JD Wiker.
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