The Worgen
Since announcing that the new Alliance race is the Worgen, I thought I'd take a crack at converting the Worgen to d20. But someone else has already converted the Worgen to d20 as a Player Race. I've been beaten to the punch, so to speak.

The Worgen are the new Alliance Race, the inhabitants of Gilneas. As the Graymane Wall kept people out of Gilneas, the Worgen curse had ravaged the inhabitants of Gilneas transforming them all into the deadly Worgen. These werewolves of Azeroth are the humanoid combination of humans and dire wolves, looking much more beastial than human.
The Foresaken fear and revile the Worgen, and the Foresaken Queen Sylvanas Windrunner has marched an army upon the Gilneans and the Greymane tribe of Worgen. To help fight the Foresaken, the Stormwindans and the Darnassans come to their aid, but led by a secret Druid sect. The Druid sect bring Druidism to Gilneas, which a significant number of Worgen embrace. Now armed with the powers of Nature, the Worgen fight off the Foresaken and begin their new lives in the World of Warcraft!
Classes: True to their humanity, the Greymane Worgen can become arcanists, warriors, priests, and rogues. But the night elves teach the Greymane Worgen hunting and a new religion or path of spiritualism: Druidism. As druids, the Greymane Worgen can tap into their beastial natures. As hunters, their beastial natures can aid the Worgen in their relationship with animals. Especially wolves.

Appearance: Greymane Worgen are the combination of humans and dire wolves. They look mostly humanoid, except with claws on their hands, a wolf's hind legs, and a wolf's head. They are also furred and the average Greymane worgen stands about seven feet in height.
Region: Gilneas. The Greymane Worgen are confined to Gilneas until the Cataclysm brought about by Deathwing. Like Duskwood, the kingdom of Gilneas is plagued by darkness.
Affiliation: Alliance. The Night Elves had come to induct the Worgen into the Alliance. Greymane is their rightful ruler, as they are attacked by the vile Foresaken. The Worgen are now the Alliance's wild, bestial race.
Faith: The Light and the Wyld. Some, or most of the Gilneans still belong to the Church of the Light. The Church of the Light thrives among the Worgen as part of the human heritage. But their beastial natures and teachings of the Druids of Darnassus has coverted a significant number to Druidism. The Druidic Worgen embrace the Wyld and lead a good number of Gilneans to spiritual peace with Azeroth.
Names: the Greymane Worgen use human names or they may use Worgen names for their children. Worgen names include: Whitemane, Furyclaw, Scarpelt, and Greyhide.
Shapechanger Subtype: The Greymane Worgen are humanoids with the Shapechanger subtype.
- Strength +2, Intellect -2, Charisma -2. Worgen are mighty, but their bestial natures detracts from their reasoning and their social interaction.
- Medium: as medium creatures, the Worgen have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Worgen land base speed is 30 ft.
- Shifting (Su): A Greymane worgen has two forms: human and Worgen. The base form is Worgen. As a standard action, a Greymane Worgen may shift from human to worgen or from worgen to human. This can happen at anytime of the day, thanks to advanced Alchemy. The act of shifting from human to worgen transforms the human into a monster, and gives the Worgen the barbarian rage.
- Access to Shifter feats: A worgen may gain access to the Shifter feats presented in Races of Eberron and the Eberron Campaign Setting, and may take the Shifter traits of Longtooth, Wildhunt, or Dreamsight.
- Claws: The claws that the Worgen has offers 1d4 pts of damage in an unarmed attack.
- Low-Light Vision: Worgen can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to discern color and detail under these conditions.
- +2 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, and Jump checks: the Worgen's bestial nature enhances many of his physical skills.
- Favored Class: Hunter. A multiclass Worgen class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty or not when multiclassing.
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